Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Warning Signs on the First Date - What to Look For

dating services are much different today than they were thirty years ago. In the old days, you had to go to the dating company to get hooked up to a date. Seeing you in person gave the administrator a chance to interview you and help put your profile together.

Now you go online and find a dating site, put up your profile and find a date. The problem is that anyone can lie and cheat on their profile. Most dating sites don't run a background check or screen the applicant. The best ones do and it weeds out the losers.

You don't know if they are a rapist, been convicted of murder or have a prison record for any other reason. If you are looking into a dating site, make sure they do those two things; it is in your best interest. Sometimes, even the most thorough check can miss something, but mostly they cover the basis for the safety of their clients. You need to know the warning signs on the first date and what to look for to ensure a safe pleasurable meeting.

If he buys tons of drinks then he probably has a drinking problem that can cause havoc in your life. You don't want to spend your life with someone like this. People with this problem usually lose control and can end up hurting you, causing you a lot of misery.

If you're at a restaurant and he wants you to leave quickly, he probably has something else in mind. If he mentions going to a motel or his house or apartment, then he wants one thing and you'll end up as a one night stand for him. Get away from him as fast as possible.

He may ask you questions as to where you work or things about your financial status. He is hunting for someone who has money. If that's the case, he will bleed you dry. Don't tell him anything about your personal affairs. That is a sign to make an excuse and leave at once.

Some guys will catch you off guard showing they care, when they are an absolute terror. Watch how he acts towards others and beware if he treats them badly. He can be nice at first and turn on you on a dime. Stay on guard and don't let that happen.

These warning signs on the first date are important. If you went to a dating site that screened the applicant and ran a background check, then you are probably matched up to a nice guy.

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