Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make the First Kiss Not Kill

I've been going out with this woman since last week.

We've been texting non-stop-all subliminal, hot, sexy texts.

We had a great dinner last night. We talked, we related, we had that magic chemistry.

Afterward, we walked to the car. Then we had that awkward moment. You know, that awkward moment at the car? The moment at the car when you both look at each other and you kind of dance a little bit back and forth, you've got eye contact, she's smiling, and you're wondering what the hell is going on in here, what do we do next?

It's the classically awkward "Should I Kiss Her?" moment.

Is it time to go in for the kiss? Yes. Do I want to kiss her? Yes. Does she look like she wants to kiss me? Absolutely.

But that first kiss is always so awkward. It's so uncomfortable. I've never liked it, never really enjoyed that first kiss. I never thought, "Wow, it's time for the first kiss. Yay!"

I really like to just get it out of the way. I'm thinking that you should kiss when you first meet. That way you can find out quickly if you have a compatible kissing style.

But I digress...

So I looked at my date and I gave her a little soft kiss on the lips. Usually, I'm very content with that. That first kiss. That little kiss. A little tease. Make them wonder a little bit, make them think. Make them desire, make them feel, make them want, and make them anticipate the next kiss.

So I did that and I pulled back. We talked a little bit more and it still felt like I really wanted to kiss her. So I went in, gave her another hug and then just a mouth smack.

My tongue went in.

Her tongue responded, and I'm thinking, "Ah here we go. I'm going to feel this beautiful woman's mouth, her tongue, her passion..."

And then she starts cracking up, right when our tongues starting touching. And she started laughing and she couldn't stop laughing for a minute.

I looked at her and I said, "I'm glad that my kiss made you laugh."

I've never had a reaction like that before. I never had anybody laugh at my kiss. But she couldn't stop laughing.

We talked about it afterward. I said 'we almost did it-we almost kissed.' She said 'we almost did.' I told her that we can save it for the next time. She said 'okay.' And I let her leave.

When I got home, we texted. She told me that she almost forgot how great it is to laugh with a lover. And I thought to myself that her laughter and that statement were far better than the kiss.

We make such a big deal of the first kiss. We really do. But in reality, just joke around, have fun, laugh, loosen up, and there will be plenty of time to kiss.

Make it simple. A hug, a little peck, and a lot of laughter, and she'll anticipate what's going to happen next.

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