Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Signs He Is Cheating Online

Online dating has increased our dating options but it has also opened up opportunities for cheating. Online cheating (as with ALL cheating) starts as emotional cheating where your man begins to share his feelings, dreams and hopes with another... and then progressively begins to be sexually stimulated by his online partner through sexy messages or images. The relationship may then progress to a meeting with her so that they can physically consummate a relationship that has already been consummated online. So how do you guard yourself from online cheating? How can you tell whether he is cheating online or not? What are the signs that he is cheating online?

1.Changing online habits. A man who starts to cheat on you online will change his online habits to match his new interest.

Increased secrecy! Since he is cheating on you then he will be increasingly secretive when he is online. He may suddenly shut down the computer or the window that he was engrossed in when you come close enough to see the computer screen. He may move the computer and place it in such a way that you can no longer easily see the screen or surprise him by your sudden appearance. When he is online and you come close to the screen he quickly shuts down 1 or more windows on some pretext... and it happens every single time. This is a clear sign that he is doing something online that he doesn't want you to know about.

Increased time online.The computer is his new best friend... and he neglects you to spend time with it. Whatever time he once spent on you is now spent with the computer. You may feel rather foolish since you are actually jealous of a computer... and he may play that card to get you to back off.

2.Diminished interest in you but more sex after his computer sessions. A man that is getting his emotional needs met somewhere else no longer needs to discuss things in depth like he used to do with you. You will feel very confused because on one hand there will be an emotional distance between the two of you but on the other hand he may want more sex since his online interest is arousing him. The sex will thus be mainly to fulfill his own needs... and he will often come already aroused by his online interest.

3.He smiles and sings like he did when you started dating. A man who is cheating on you online will be inexplicably happy... and dreamy. He may be with you physically but you will see him smile to himself as he reflects on something that made him happy... the other online woman. If you ask him why he is smiling he will give you some lame story that would not make any rational person smile.

If you see a number of these signs without a reasonable explanation then know that he may be cheating on you online... or watching pornography that he thinks that you would not approve of.

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