Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Know When It's Time To Walk Away From A Date

Few people go on a date expecting to have a horrible time. In fact, it should be the opposite. When you go out with someone for the first time, or the first few times, you should only hope for the best. The best case scenario is, of course, the two of you getting to know each other better so that the relationship can blossom into something more. What happens, then, when the other person is wrong for you? What if the other person is really, really wrong for you? Even though you may be hoping for a good time, it's important to remember the following points so that you always know when to walk away from any date that's going horribly wrong.

1. The Person Is Mean to You

Whether you're chatting with the person on an online dating site or you're out to dinner with the person, you should always watch how the person treats you. If your date is mean or hurtful towards you in any way, don't be afraid to just walk away from your date. That's right, get up and leave. Even though it feels crappy when you do, you'll feel much better about yourself later on.

2. Your Date Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries

If you don't invite your date in after a particular outing and they give you a guilt trip or if your date paws at your body as he or she tries to get you to 'give it up' against your will, just walk away from that date. Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries doesn't respect you at all, and that's a fact.

3. Conflicting Morals And Values

If you want kids, but the other person doesn't or if you want a traditional relationship and the person is already mentioning threesomes, it might be time to walk away from your date. You should only date people who you can see yourself meshing with years down the road if you hope for a deep and meaningful relationship. Otherwise, you may be just wasting time with this person who has much different outlook on life than you do.

4. You Don't Feel A Thing

If you're not feeling anything with your date, if you think the person is ugly, short, fat, too bald or maybe you think the person is attractive only you're not attracted to them, it's time to walk away. Why lead the other person on? Don't fool yourself into thinking that you 'could' feel something for this person. If it's not there, it's not likely to ever be there. It's best to walk away from your date right now.

5. Dating The Person Isn't Fun

Dating should be new, fun and exciting. If it's not, if the person you're with is dull or if dating the person feels more like attending a series of insurance seminars, it's time to walk away from your date. It's best to end things now before the other person gets too attached so that you can go out and find someone who adds a little more pizzazz to your life.

The Old Penpal Is Now The New E-Pal

Sending letters to "penpals" is an age-old tradition that many of us are familiar with. Such letters can be sent to correspondents halfway across the country or halfway across the world, and can allow one to build friendships, learn about different cultures or even learn a new language.

Some people got their first exposure to the concept of penpals as students in grammar school, when they would write to students of a similar age in a different country. They enjoyed getting responses with those exotic postage stamps on them and to learn of a life quite different from their own.

I personally remember finding a note tied to a broken balloon in the street asking me to reply to the address that was attached, which I did. Although I never got a response myself, I'm sure that the recipient was excited to learn that their balloon was found by someone.

Today there is no need to wait for "snail mail" (or for a balloon with a message attached). Fast and efficient e-mail may deprive us of the sheer visceral excitement of getting a physical message from someone, but it can still be exciting in its own way and it is certainly more efficient than the old methods.

Today, the term penpal is being replaced by e-pal (email pal), and the new technology carries the ability to send photos and videos along with text.

The old reasons for having a penpal remain. Children can learn in an exciting way of a culture and lifestyle that is quite different from their own. Those who are learning a new language can accelerate the process by communicating with someone who already speaks that language.

For a lot of people, modern electronic communication is even more intimate than the old methods. It allows people to form long-term relationships and share with each other in friendship and understanding. It can even lead to finding that special someone, one's life partner.

Some people find their life partner through an online dating service or other social network, and many see it as an end in itself, rather than as a means to an end. In other words, they enjoy corresponding with someone without feeling an obligation to ever meet face-to-face.

Relationships, whether they are up close and personal or long-distance, play a tremendously important role in our lives, and having an e-pal can be an important part of this. Today, there are so many options open to us that meeting people virtually is easier than ever before.

Online dating sites or social networking sites can be found today in abundance, and the best sites will allow you to filter correspondence by interest, location, age and many other criteria. If you wish to interact with someone in a fun and low-pressure way, why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose and a possible friendship to gain.

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How To Charm A Man and Keep Him

Getting a man is quite distinct from charming a man. A woman may get any man and sleep with him if she wants. Charming a man means captivating his heart and his mind; and it is something that you need to reflect on and plan carefully. Charming the kind of guy you want is a form of art that will not only let you have him, but also keep him.

• To charm a man, you should know how to make eye contact. Being able to look into a man's eyes as he gazes from you is one step towards engaging him in a conversation. You should not be afraid of eye contact, but instead look at him straight in the eyes. This way, you will definitely be a stand out among other women.

• Always give him your sweetest smile. A smile can brighten your entire face and can bring positivity into any man's day. Guys do love girls who smile at them. A woman's smile can brighten up his mood; and when he sees you smile, he feels as if he can connect with you positively and easily.

• Always feel confident. Confidence is that self-esteem you show a man regardless if you look like a beauty queen or not. Confidence attracts men. They think that a confident woman is charming and sexy.

• Show your femininity. Femininity does not necessarily mean you flaunt your curves and figure by wearing sexy revealing dresses. Femininity is more than the physical attributes of a woman. Instead, being feminine means showing a man of your positive good attributes. Wear clothes that will fit your body properly without actually revealing too much skin. Act like a woman with kindness, gentleness and sweetness with whomever you speak to or socialize with.

• Let the guy know that you are interested. If you are at a bar or any other public place and a man looks at you with interest, show him that you are also interested in him. Simply glancing at him will give him the impression that you are not curious about him. Look at the man more than once and establish eye contact with him. Once you have spoken to him, discuss things that will help you get to know about each other further.

• Give him compliments. Just like women, men also like to be complimented. Say some positive comments about his new hairstyle, about the color or style of his shirt, about his accessories, about his little habits, etc. This will let him realize that you are actually noticing him.

• Give him quick and soft touches. When you are speaking to the guy, make sure you give him quick touches every now and then. It will make you feel closer to him instantly and vice versa. Brush your arms with his without seeming that it was intentionally done.

• Remain who you are. Some girls commit mistakes in charming a man by presenting themselves to a man using a different personality. Why wear sexy dresses to seduce a man if you are simply comfortable wearing sweatshirt and jeans? When you want a man to be charmed by you, show your true self and do not hide anything. He may fall for this façade, but you will not surely feel contented because you know that it is somebody else that he fell for and not who you actually are.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.